The New Year is upon us and many of you are wondering how you can improve your golf game so you can enjoy yourself and improve your scoring in 2007. There is not one single "wrap it up with a bow" simple answer to that question. There are dozens of places, both online and offline, to get golf tips. Many of these golf tips are fantastic and can help a wide range of players. Other golf tips are player specific. Make sure you understand what you are looking for so you may solve your problems in the most efficient manner.
Some players have no problems at all from the tee to the green, but the putting surface is where the problems begin. If this is what you are struggling with then the best place to start is with putting tips. There are a wide variety of putting tips to help a player that is struggling with the yips or one who struggles with distance control and the lag putts are the main area of concern.
For the player who is struggling with the full swing there are many golf swing-training aids to choose from. Many of these products have been a tremendous help to golfers of all abilities over the years. As with any game improvement product make sure you understand what you are buying and how it may potentially help to correct your golf swing flaw.
Perhaps one of the most overlooked or forgotten areas of potential improvement lies in the mental aspect of golf. Whether you are a beginning golfer or have played the game for years there are many mental golf tips that can help to lower your score and increase your enjoyment of the game.
I don't feel that an article that asks what is the secret to playing better golf would be complete if it didn't address the area of golf fitness or proper nutrition. If you are over 40 years of age you may have already noted a decrease in the distance you hit the golf ball. One of the easiest ways to regain lost distance is to begin a stretching routine that is specifically targeted to your golf muscles, especially your core. Another secret is to make sure that you are eating properly before and during your round and to keep properly hydrated with plenty of water or a sports drink while on the golf course.
It is my goal to improve my enjoyment of the game of golf in 2007 and by passing along some of these simple tips perhaps you too can decrease your scores and increase your enjoyment in the year ahead.